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I think. Therefore, I am.

– Rene Descartes

The basic fact that we have the capability to doubt our own existence signifies that we all are Thinking Entities – for there to have a thought. Adit Chouhan always had a thought that he loves it when he meets people, talks to them and when he is up on the stage hosting events or sharing knowledge with a group of enthusiasts. Of course, Digital Marketing is what keeps him alive and kicking! And, Writing is where he finds solace.

An Author of three books (on Digital Marketing, Traditional Marketing & Cryptocurrency Trading) a passionate Digital Marketer, a pragmatic Marketing Trainer/ Coach and a professional Anchor; Adit Chouhan is a multi-faceted personality. He is an aggressive Networker and an assertive Leader. A true Believer in his dreams, he is a successful and truly inspiring story in the making. Welcome to the world of Adit Chouhan!

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